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Funny Stuff

Homestar Runner: You haven't been here yet? The best flash animation on the internet.
Hank The Squirrel: Comic strip of the highest quality
Exploding Dog: Unrivaled internet artwork

Surreal Stuff

Surrealism Server: be sure to check out the surrealist compliment generator!
Glamorous Pat: Bizarre Goodness
The Church of The Subgenius: Devo and Pee Wee Herman were members, so why aren't you?
The Cacaphony Society: You may already be a member! The local portland chapter is here.


Green Anarchy: an anti-civilization journal.
Adbusters: Fighting back against consumer culture.
McSpotlight: shining the light on McDonald's.
Counter Order: Everything you ever wanted to know about Nihilism.


Indymedia: alternative news from around the world. google culls the top headlines from around the world, just for you.


Wikipedia: A constantly expanding, user-written encyclopia. Your new best friend.
Mozilla: Home of the superior Firefox browser.
Project Gutenberg: Downloadable texts of thousands of classic books.
Microcosm Publishing: independent zine distro and publisher based in Portland, OR.